Cambio Fellows are faculty, academic staff, students, and others involved in the activities detailed in our Mission. They may be members of the University of Missouri system or other institutions interested in cooperating with the Center’s research and outreach activities. The Cambio Center actively promotes the scholarship of its Fellows and supports their efforts to seek funding for collaborative projects. Fellows meet regularly to network, share their research, and determine Center activities and outreach. At a Fellows Encuentro in 2023, we started tracking where some of our fellows do their research and outreach on this padlet!
The Student Fellows Program is a special effort to mentor scholars into our community of practice. Each student is assigned a mentor from among Cambio Center Faculty Fellows.
Anyone interested in becoming a fellow is encouraged to contact the Cambio Center ( The Center will ask for a CV and a short statement about your interests related to our Mission. Fellows are selected and invited to participate by the Cambio Center Board and Director (see our Advisory Board Members here).

Cambio Fellows
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
- Andrés Mesa Valencia, The Brady and Anne Deaton Institute, MU
- Corinne Valdivia, Agricultural & Applied Economics, MU
- Domingo Martínez Castilla, University of Missouri, MU
- Jere Gilles, CAFNR International Programs, MU
- Rocío Rivera, Animal Sciences, MU
Community Partners and Extension
- Alejandra Gudiño
- Clay Hurdle, Human Development and Family Science and Extension, MU
- Eleazar Gonzalez, Agricultural Economics & Marketing and Extension, Lincoln University, Missouri
- Elisa Cárdenas Oleas, CARES, MU Extension
- Gerardo R. Martinez, ALIANZAS, MU Extension & UMKC
- Jenny Melo, Center for Regenerative Agriculture, MU
- Lupita Fabregas Janeiro, Human Development and Family Science and Extension, MU
- Maryluz Hoyos
- Nadia Navarrete-Tindall, Specialty Crops, Lincoln University, Missouri
- Stephen Jeanetta, Community Development, University of Minnesota Extension
Education & Human Development
- Angie Zapata, Learning, Teaching & Curriculum, MU
- Cynthia Chasteen, Heart of Missouri Regional Professional Development Center (RPDC), MU
- Denise Adkins, School of Information Science & Learning Technologies, MU
- Donette Alonzo, Learning, Teaching & Curriculum, MU
- Doris Villarreal, Educator Preparation and Leadership, University of Missouri – St. Louis
- Emily Crawford-Rossi, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, MU
- Francisco Palermo, Human Development and Family Science, MU
- Gabrielle Malfatti, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, MU
- Joy Roos, Educational, School & Counseling Psychology, MU
- Idalia Nuñez Cortez, College of Education, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Lisa Dorner, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, MU
- Lupita Fabregas Janeiro, Human Development and Family Science and Extension, MU
- Melissa Hauber-Özer, College of Education & Human Development, MU
- Nikki Ashcraft, College of Education & Human Development, MU
- Pilar Mendoza, College of Education & Human Development and CIIDE, MU
- Rachel Santiago, Department of Educational, School & Counseling Psychology, MU
- Sam von Gillern, Department of Learning, Teaching, & Curriculum, MU
- Sarah Killoren, Human Development and Family Science, MU
- Yeji Kim, Learning, Teaching & Curriculum
Health Sciences, Medicine, Nursing, & Social Work
- Ana Golla, School of Medicine, MU
- Athena Ramos, Center for Reducing Health Disparities, University of Nebraska Medical Center
- Diana Parra Perez, Brown School of Social Work, Washington University
- Maithe Enriquez, Sinclair School of Nursing, MU
- Mansoo Yu, Public Health and School of Social Work, MU
- María Romo-Palafox, Nutrition and Dietetics, Saint Louis University
- Roxana Botezatu, Speech, Languages and Hearing Sciences, MU
- Susana Quirós, Health Sciences, MU
- Rafael Gely, School of Law, MU
Liberal Arts & Sciences
- Aída R. Guhlincozzi, Geography and Women’s & Gender Studies, MU
- Andrea Luque Káram, School of Music, MU
- Astrid Villamil, Communication, MU
- Aureo De Freitas, Music, Federal University in Belem, Brazil
- Celia Alpuche Keyser, School of Languages, Literatures & Cultures, MU
- Christina Garcia, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Saint Louis University
- David Crespy, Theatre & Performance Studies, MU
- Deborah Cohen, Department of History, UMSL
- Guadalupe Pérez-Anzaldo, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, MU
- Iván Reyna, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, MU
- Johanna Goyes Vallejos, Biological Sciences & Mizzou SACNAS
- Juanamaría Cordones-Cook, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, MU
- Lisa Flores, Psychological Sciences, MU
- Lucas Willsie, Music, Central Methodist University
- Martha Kelly, National Humanities Center
- Matthew Foulkes, Geography, MU
- Onésimo (Ness) Sandoval, Sociology and Anthropology, Saint Louis University
- Stephen Christ, Sociology, MU
- Theresa Torres, Humanities and Social Sciences, UMKC
Political Sciences/Public Policy
- Adriano Udani, Public Policy Administration and Political Science, UMSL
- Claire E. Altman, Truman School of Government and Public Affairs, MU
- Irma Arteaga, Truman School of Government and Public Affairs, MU
- Michelangelo Landgrave, University of Colorado-Boulder
Cambio Student Fellows
- Adrianna Gonzalez, College of Education & Human Devlopment, MU
- Alicia K. Long, School of Information Science & Learning Technologies, MU
- Ana Golla, School of Medicine, MU
- Ángel Colón Santiago, School of Natural Resources, MU
- Audrey Glenn-Pérez, College of Education & Human Development, MU
- Avelina Rivero, College of Human Environmental Sciences, MU
- Bruna Dalmas, Truman School of Government and Public Affairs, MU
- Cristina Lopez- Human Environmental Science
- Jessica Marmolejos, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, MU
- JinKoo Lee, Clinical Psychology, MU
- John K. Bonilla Aranzales, Political Science, MU
- Jorge Carlos Martínez Palomares, Agricultural & Appplied Economics, MU
- Juan José Reyes Valladares, Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis, MU
- Laurie Agosto, Biological Sciences, MU
- Lucia G. Medina, Educational Psychology, College of Education, MU
- Mariana Guzmán, Visual Studies, MU
- Maryluz Hoyos, College of Education & Human Devlopment, MU
- Mariana Guzmán, Visual Studies, MU
- Miranda Wood- Clinical Psychology
- Patrick Arsenault- Educational Leadership
- Sophia Piral Lee, Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis, MU
- Victoria Aceves-Power, Department of Psychological Sciences, MU