Nuestras Noticias
The Cambio Center newsletter is sent monthly to our newsletter subscribers which includes students, faculty/staff, and community members. Subscribers receive regular updates on Cambio Center activities, as well as news about our annual Cambio de Colores conference.
To be placed on our mailing list, please email cambio @
Submit Your News
Do you have good news to share? We want to share events, accomplishments, and publications related to the Cambio Center, especially from our Cambio Fellows.
We usually send our newsletter at the beginning of each month. If you are interested in submitting something, please email your request to cambio @ on the 3rd Friday of the month by 5:00 p.m. Please include the following, as applicable:
- Your name
- Your title/position
- Your contact information (email)
- Title of your news (e.g., name of event, accomplishment, or “publication alert”)
- Date of event or accomplishment
- Link(s) for the event, accomplishment, or publication
- Short description of the event, announcement, or publication
- Graphic